Make Events in your room for 10 gummies
First, click the icon below your screen to make an event
Here`s the possible event titles that I'm sure they'll come and ring you:
-きたよ100%返します(Ring back 100%)
-きたよとグピグ下さい!(Ring me please!)
-I can speak English
-ピグやってる人~(Who Plays Pigg)
And if you're having a problem on what you're going to put on the description,just use the title too :D
You can also visit the other rooms with events and ask the visitors to ring you and usually, they will props you automatically.
try using these phrases to ask them to come to your room:
-きたよ返すよ~★(I will Ring you back)
-きたよ100%返します!(I'll ring back 100%)
-良かったら私のルームに来て下さい(Please visit my room)
Visit the 初心者広場/Beginners' Plaza server 1 at Sasaki Park!
You can earn many props here just like in pico! They will props you w/o asking~ If you want to have props faster, props them and I'm sure they'll props back!
Call for props:
-。゜★グピグ ★゜。
-Étoile Sisters
Thank you! That really helped :)
i need the 2012 version not 2011 im so confuseddd
please help me mai & mia Dx
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