Hello every one! Meet my friend, Sono! She's my friend for long already, when I was still a newbie. Yeah,.. a noob. I met her in reversi, since I always stay there, for EVERYDAY! And yeah, reversi is the place where I met people when I was new and started on making friends just like Mia and other old friends I've posted here.
Today, Sono went into my room to say hi. I was so happy cuz she still remember me and I'm so glad that she's still around. Before, I was confused with her gender because her pico was a boy. When I met her in reversi, I wasn't an Ameba Gold/Premium user that time. She was wearing the new black Kimono in 2010 and I was really envy then she told me about the AG thingy and other things. When I checked the shop, it was only for male. Then after a long time, when we met.. I thought she was a boy but then she explained.
"I choose my character as a boy" she said.
That time, you can choose the gender of your pico and you can't chance it any more. So that's why Sono looks like a boy, but she's now.
We just had a small talk and then back to work. Busy mode.
☆Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile