Hello everyone! Let me introduce to you the PRB GX members who were chosen last audition when there were so many circumstances happened from December 2011-January 2012. Winners was announced last February 5, 2012 and we're sorry if we weren't able to announce it earlier. So first of all... here's the message from Ayame Étoile.
"First of all, THANKS SO MUCH to all the picos who had submitted their
audition tapes. It was such a great honor watching all of your
wonderful videos. But sad to note, we are looking for only 3 members.
a month-long audition event and several hours of watching audition
videos, the results are finally out. We are happy to introduce to you
guys the NEW BAND that shall continue the LEGACY we have started.
-Ayame Étoile
So now, let us introduce to you the
new members of our band!
PRB GX had their concert debut last February 18, 2012 and it was a successful debut wince more than 100 people were waiting just to see their first performance
I was surprised for an Étoile passed the Audition since Mia and I wanted to audition but when I asked Tita Ayame she said we can't. =3= Well, for some reasonable reasons okay? And we we're fine with it as well because if we joined and pass it means we'll have more things-to-do and it would just add stress to us X_X
And besides, one of the chosen PRB GX members is from our family, Ape Étoile! Who keeps on reaching his dream. I'm so proud that one of us made it to the audition because I thought that an Étoile can't be part of the band XD.
Second, Libby, the head of Pico Model made it too! Never thought that the drummer will be a female this time! So proud of you Libby! I know you're reaching your dreams too :)
And lastly, Congratulations to iDhummy, who's really familiar with me. I think I saw him somewhere, probably in Alice in Wonderland by an occasion. There was a time I thought that he was iDomo when I was using Rose Étoile's account and mistakenly made a conversation with him and he didn't really have any idea of what I was talking about. Haha!
☆Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile
MaiRie Étoile
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