Father's Day was dramatic. Many things happen and yeah, everything went fine. We had some dramas and I found my father was... cute. I was pretending that I didn't know that it was Fathers Day and telling him we don't have to celebrate. But, behind that... Mia and I Prepared something for our dad. When everything went fine, we had a party inside my room 2 where our surprise is and Yellow was there too! We were happy family!
White! Étoile, our greatest Dad ever. Even though we are just in a Virtual World, we are treating each other as a family, fair, just like normal. We've been a family for 8 months and we're getting better and stronger. Trust and Love. Yeah, that's what we have. And White! Étoile, who's always there for us to help and support even though we're not always together because we have our own worlds, but once we are in one place, we are one is the only dad we have from the start and no one can replace him, what ever happens.
Thank You for being part of Étoile Family and treating us, Mia, Marie, YaSuo and me just like your real son and daughters w/o gaps. If you just know how thankful we are to have you. ♥
-Étoile Family
Étoile Sisters
MaiRie Étoile X MiaRi Étoile