

    I asked MaRie to go to my room and eat my food this morning and then after, we played. Lol. It was really fun being with her. We were running in my foot ball court like we were playing tag game x3

    Foot Ball court room? Yeah, you`re right about what you`ve heard. I`m doing a foot ball court inside my room for the last scene of our video we taped last month. Right now, I`m really lacking with gummies because last time I bought almost every gummy item of St. Patrick event. I hope that they have another recycle campaign for the 3rd time. I REALLY NEED GUMMIES NOW!

Today`s Updates: 

Excluesive Designer’s Fashion Items!!

    Now,  you can see the French Models around Champs and get a star! Also, get the new items from the Designer!

See also the new Area opening to day!

    This is the area where our banner was taken in Ameba Pigg`s France- Paris Cafe(アメーバピグのカフェ). Now, Ameba Pico also have it too! Isn`t that great?! Everyone could visit it and we could get a star!★

    Well, Have Fun! Let`s Enjoy our Pico Life!

-MiaRi Étoile


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